【鉱石の道】 鉱石の道4K動画を公開!


日本遺産「銀の馬車道・鉱石の道」における「鉱石の道」エリア(生野、神子畑、明延、中瀬)にある文化財を4K映像で。 四季とともに移ろいゆく姿は、見る者を飽きさせません。
「こんなものがこんなところに!」と思ってもらえるはずです。 ぜひ一度、足を運んでみてください。


The lifeblood of Japan’s former eras. The Kouseki no Michi, formerly known as the Road of Ores, holds a significant place in Japan’s historical legacy. This collection of Japan Heritage sites spans across the Akenobe, Mikobata, and Ikuno town regions, tracing the path of the Silver Mine Carriage road (Gin no Bashamichi). Recognized as a pivotal catalyst for Japan’s modernization, it presents an intriguing opportunity for visitors to delve into the captivating history of Japan’s industrial heritage, all in an unexpectedly unique location. Preserved with great care as a cherished testament to eras long gone, the captivating visuals showcased in this video unveil the dynamic landscapes and historical narrative that unfolded during Japan’s modern era, now embraced in its serene retired state.


YouTube「鉱石の道」を巡る旅|Journey through the Road of Ores はこちら